
Showing posts from May, 2020


Five Gossip Tips Although we are not is school it does not mean that the gossip has stopped. It is naturally for us to want to connect and at times we feel connection through gossip. Sometimes we might not be totally aware we are gossiping in the moment.   Gossip can be  toxic  and really make things worse. So here are some tips to help with gossip Resist Use restraint and don’t be tempted to spread a rumor. Distract The art of distraction is very powerful. Tell a joke or a story to take the attention away from the rumor. Be Honest Tell the messenger that you don’t want to discuss something about somebody who is not there because you feel like it is the wrong thing to do.  Let them know that gossip can hurt friendships and you don’t want to be a part of it. Ignore Smile and don’t respond verbally. Walk away and pretend to have other things to do. Redirect Ask “Why are you telling me this”. This gets the other person to stop ...

Today I feel....

I am going to read you one of my favourite stories about feelings. Being in-tuned with how we feel in the moment can help us in understanding what we need.When we pay attention to these feelings then we can do something or seek someone out to help. How do you feel today?


Breathing is an essential practice to mindfulness. Being aware of our breathe and what it is doing. We often forget to breathe, especially when stressed. Here is a fun way to practice deep proper breathes. Get some bubbles, if you have some and have a bubble blowing contest. Who can blow the biggest bubbles? The biggest bubble wins. The best way to make a big bubble is to take a big deep breath in from your nose and out SLOWLY through your mouth. Take this game to another level by following or popping the bubbles that you blow.  Grab a parent or a sibling and have them play too! This is simple way to practice being in the present moment. How big were your bubbles? Happy bubble blowing!


When things get tough and we feel like it is bigger than we are it can be easy to go down the negative thought path. If we tell ourselves something enough we begin to believe it to be true about ourselves. Good or bad. Sometimes it is easier to tell ourselves the bad part. Next time you are face with a tough time or situation try saying one of these statements to yourself or better yet say it to yourself daily. Write it out, put it up in your room where you can see it and it can remind you when you can't bring it up in your mind on your own.  Comment which statement you would chose?


This week has been mental health week and we brought awareness with wearing our hats yesterday. Today I thought I would share the kids help phone with you. If you ever need someone to talk to whom you can trust, who won't judge you and wants to help. The kids help phone is there for you 24/7 and is confidential. You can call, chat or text.


It’s “Hats On for Mental Health” today and we wear a hat to raise awareness of the importance of good mental health. I’m sporting my favourite hat in support of every person that faces their day with courage and resiliency. It’s important that we’re there for one another. Check in on someone today! #MentalHealthWeek #Hatsonformentalhealth


It's mindful Monday again. I want to share with you my favourite mindfulness activity which is colouring. It is very calming and I reset my system. Mindfulnes activities take work and can feel frustrating when we feel like we are not doing it right. This one comes easy for me and I feel confident when doing it. I grab a Mandala or if I don't have one near a colouring book or plain piece of paper will do. If you have access to a printer here is a website you can print off Mandalas from: