
Showing posts from April, 2020


Although we cannot see each other face to face right now, it is important to remember we are still connected and here for one another. Tell me who makes you feel the following emotions, it can be all the same person or someone new for each feeling. Reminding ourselves that we have people that care about us is important right now. If you can, reach out to one of them today and talk to them by phone or video chat. Joy Love Courage Peace


Meditation on your own is really hard and I struggle to do it on my own. So I use guided meditation as a mindfulness strategy. This is one of my favorite ones. It is a bit long but worth it! Give it a try and let me know how it was.


So yesterday there was a rain shower in the evening and after that storm appeared a rainbow. A double rainbow and it made me think of the saying: "THE GREATER THE STORM THE BRIGHTER THE RAINBOW" Each of us is experiencing our own storm (stress) right now and that is okay.  It can be easy to get caught up in the storm and forget our rainbows. The thing that makes you happy, grateful or thankful. My question to you is what is your rainbow?


Hey Everyone, Welcome back from your break. I hope you enjoyed the break. I welcome you back with another Mindful Monday.  Today we are going to practice mindful breathing. Check out this five minute video to walk you through some mindful breathing! What is your favourite way to mindfully breath? I like thinking of smelling fresh baked chocolate chip cookies and blowing them off because they are too hot to eat.


The sun is finally shinning which means it is time to get outside and have some fun. It is important to get outside at least once a day to get some sunshine or exercise. This is an essential part of your well-being. It helps uplift our mood and energy. It can be hard for some to get outdoors as not everyone has a yard, but it is possible. Here are some ideas to get you started Go for a walk. Ride your bike. Play a game on the deck/yard. Draw on your sidewalk with chalk. Throw and ball or kick a ball around. Go on a scavenger hunt. Here is one to get you started.. What did you do outside today?


Feelings are neither good nor bad. I like to think of them as either comfortable or uncomfortable. All the feelings are important as they tell us if something is wrong or something needs to change. Sometimes feelings can be mixed up with each other or we can feel more than one feeling at a time. Take some time today to think about how you are feeling and share it with someone you trust. It might just help with the uncomfortable ones!


Mindfulness is important for our overall wellness. I often explore and practice this with kids in my group and in classrooms. It is something that should be practiced lots and takes time to get use to. I too try to practice this everyday. So each Monday I am going to give you a mindfulness activity to focus on for the week. First we will start with "What Mindfulness is". It is being in the present (and I don't mean the kind you get for your birthday). Check out this video to see more!


The breathe is a powerful thing. Deep breathes can help us calm when we are stressed, anxious or angry. Practicing deep breathes is important so we know what to do when we need the. Here is a visual I use when practicing my breathing. Give it a try! 

April Fools Day

Today is April fools day. Today is a day to have a little fun and share some laughs. A prank should not be harmful/hurtful to another person or destroy or break things. Here is a little trick I did at my house today. I put googly eyes on the fruit๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„