Five Gossip Tips

Although we are not is school it does not mean that the gossip has stopped. It is naturally for us to want to connect and at times we feel connection through gossip. Sometimes we might not be totally aware we are gossiping in the moment.  Gossip can be toxic and really make things worse. So here are some tips to help with gossip
Use restraint and don’t be tempted to spread a rumor.
The art of distraction is very powerful. Tell a joke or a story to take the attention away from the rumor.
Be Honest
Tell the messenger that you don’t want to discuss something about somebody who is not there because you feel like it is the wrong thing to do.  Let them know that gossip can hurt friendships and you don’t want to be a part of it.
Smile and don’t respond verbally. Walk away and pretend to have other things to do.

Ask “Why are you telling me this”. This gets the other person to stop and think about their intention in sharing the information. They may not understand in the moment they are gossiping and this can redirect them.


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